We had a good Thanksgiving but my little family was pretty tired after our busy day! We spent that morning at Z parent's house. We listened to Christmas music and finished up cooking the last of the sides for our lunch. The kids played and the guys watched football, which isn't a good idea when your baby is in the next room sleeping! After lunch at my in laws we made our way to my dad's house to visit with them. They had just finished eating and everyone was lounging around watching the football game. E is the center of attention of course and has everyone fighting over who is going to hold her! Sh speak mind one but, she knows she's spoiled :)
E had this adorable turkey shirt on that her Aunt Christina had made for her and she absolutely loved it. She tried to eat the ribbon the entire time, it was like our own Taggies outfit.
Unfortunately I had to work Black Friday so I didn't get to go shopping but that's ok I made up for it by online shopping ;)
My family is so ready for Christmas this year we had our tree up before Thanksgiving! I think Christmas is going to be sooo much fun this year because it's E's first Christmas and our first Christmas in our home! It's finally starting to feel like December to but the weather here lately has been pretty crazy. One day it was almost 80 degrees and the next it was below freezing, crazy Texas weather!
I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas just in case I don't blog again until after Christmas!

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