Thursday, November 20, 2014

It's been a while..

Sorry blogging world that I've been mia. Lots of changes have happened in 2 months. Work has been pure chaos and I have been assigned to a new doctor so I'm pretty nervous about that. I've been thinking about life and some changes I wouldn't mind making. I'm thinking about going back to school for occupational therapy, definitely different from nursing. 

E has changed so much in 2 months she now has 11 teeth! She repeats almost everything you say, even if you accidentally say "shit" oops! My sweet girl is so smart she's knows all her body parts, knows the difference between yes and no, can put up her fingers when you say one. E is a little monkey and climbs on everything! Somehow she managed to climb ontop of her high chair and get into my cabinet with a coffee mug in each hand. I do believe I'm going to have my hands full! 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

One year of blogging already?!

What?! I just realized I've been in the blogging world for over a year! I really have enjoyed blogging about my adventures as a new mom even though I've been slacking lately. 

E is growing like a weed! She is now climbing on everything she can reach. I found her on top of the tv stand the other day pointing to Mickey Mouse, and today I hear my keys fall and guess who's ontop of the dining room table? Yep, E! She's a monkey just like her daddy :) 

E will be 14 months old tomorrow but it feels like just yesterday I was bringing her home. This year has gone by so incredibly fast, slow down please! 

So a few fun facts about Ellie at 14 months old (almost, in 1 hour!) 
• Baby girl LOVES bananas! Like I have to hide in the closet to eat mine unless I only want one bite of it. And you better not say the B word unless you have one on hand to give her! 
• She has 8 teeth - but I think the molars are getting ready to cut :( 
• Her favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" I'm telling you, I think we all have it memorized we read it so much! 
• She's wearing size 4-5 shoes and is in 12-18 months 
• She loves to be in water and swing and play at the park
• Loves, loves, loves to listen to daddy's music and dance! 
• Her favorite shows right now are Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse clubhouse 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

First birthday?!

Yesterday was baby girls first birthday, where did the year go?! I can't believe I officially have a toddler!! I was actually pretty proud of myself, I didn't even cry ;)

We woke her up for a birthday breakfast of cinnamon rolls which she loved.
She got to spend the whole day with daddy and run errands while I worked. After I got off work, we went to my MIL for a cupcake celebration. Let me just tell you, my child was not so sure about the icing. She would touch it and start shaking her fingers, it was priceless. I would say she had a pretty good day :) 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mr. Sandman, where are you?

I really wish I could sleep tonight since I have a long day at work tomorrow but I can't, to many things on my mind. I just keep thinking that my baby is going to be one on Tuesday, that's two days from now...2!!! My baby isn't going to be a baby anymore, she will be considered a toddler on Tuesday! I think I'm probably taking this a lot harder than I should and people probably think I'm crazy, but I can't help it! 

Then I keep thinking about her party, I want it to be perfect! I know she won't remember it but this is a BIG birthday, it's celebrating her very first year of birth so I want it to be special. Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, I have to remeber we will be surrounded by our family and friends who love and adore our sweet E, that's all the matters. But there is still lots of things left to do and so little time! 

This seems appropriate right about now! 

Goodnight moon, off to bed I go. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

11 months, oh my!

I know I'm a little late posting but E has been keeping us very busy! She's definitely on the go now :) 

Ok let's see where to start...we had our first family vacation planned for Port Aransas beach for several months and the week before we were leaving E started running a low grade temp. Being in the medical field, you try and diagnose every symptom or try to avoid the clinics and treat at home. Well I'm guilty of that. I gave E Tylenol that Thursday night and watched her all night. I started thinking about other little things I had noticed like her gagging after taking a bottle or trying to clear her throat, coughing here and there. Friday morning I checked her temp, no fever so I went to work. A few hours later Z called and said she had a low grade again so I came home. I finally decided to take her in to make sure it wasn't anything and if it was we could get her better by next Thursday. My poor girl ended up having strep throat! :( she was put on antibiotics and we were ready to feel better. She was definitely a trooper not once did she act like she felt bad! Well a few days later a rash appeared, long story short, we thought it was scarlatina but ended up she's allergic to amoxicillin. We got her meds changed and we were counting down the days till we left.  

We had these images of E running and playing in the water and having to chase her at the beach, Well that's not exactly how it went. Don't get me wrong she enjoyed the beach but she loved the sand the most. Which was fine because she helped daddy make a mermaid and she even had her own little sand pit to play in. 
We had a great time at the beach and it was a nice family vacation :) 

Once we got home and settled we had to start packing again for our camping trip! I think it's safe to say my child is definitely and outdoor baby. She loves everything outside. We only were able to stay Friday night and left Saturday so we didn't have a whole lot of time camping like we wished we could have, big we still had fun. 

After a long 2 weeks, it was so nice sleeping in my own bed and actually getting a good nights sleep! During all of that, E turned 11 months, has officially gone mobile, started whole milk today, and cut 2 more teeth and has a total of 6 now :) my baby girl is growing way to fast!!! In just a few short weeks she will be one!  How is that possible?!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

10 months!

I'm a little late posting but that's ok. Ten months...I can't believe it! So much has changed in a month. E is now taking steps on her own! I think she gets tired of me trying to make her walk because after a few attempts she goes limp until she's on her hands and knees then she takes off in her "sprint-crawl" I call it. She loves to be chased, we could chase her for hours and she wouldn't get tired. She finds it hysterical :) She has also discovered eyes. I found that out the hard way when she poked me in the eye, but I took it as a learning opportunity and told her those were momma's eyes. Now she likes to poke my eyes when I pick her up. E has tried some new food here lately too. We've introduced her to meats and this girl LOVES chicken, like pick it up in hand fulls and shove it in her mouth! We've given her mac n cheese, she wasn't as excited about it as I thought she would be. She's also tried bread this week and think it's safe to say she liked it, she will be getting grilled cheeses now. :) 

E's little personality is starting to show a lot more now too. She's as sweet as can be but she sure does have a little temper. She's very determined I would say. She continually will try something even after you tell her no, for instance playing in the dog food or trying to get in the trash. I think she may even be a little stubborn like me (uh oh sorry babe!) Speaking of my husband, E's vocabulary has increased some and I'm pretty sure she's been calling my husband by his first name! I think it's hilarious but I'm sure he doesn't so we make sure to correct her. She is also doing this whispering thing that sounds like "what's that?" Like if she here's a noise or the phone rings she drops her tone of voice into a whisper and says "what's that?" It is the most adorable thing ever.  

My sweet girl is just growing way to fast and I'm not sure I'm ready for her to be one yet. Planning her birthday party is sad enough but when someone informed me today that she would no longer be considered an infant but a toddler after her first birthday, I thought I was literally going to cry! I just can't believe it. 

Friday, April 25, 2014

9 months already?!

I can't beleive my baby is 9 months old already!! We had E's well child check on Wednesday and everything was great. She passed her developmental test they had me fill out and is growing like a weed. E is 18.09lb (40%) and 27.75" long (50%). E doesn't walk yet but she sure tries! She's crawling and climbing on everything and getting into everything!! She's starting to get brave and let go of things and just stand there, I'm pretty sure I'll have a walker soon.  She now has 4 teeth, yes 4!! She also likes to bite now which is a huge no-no but she's just so darn cute it's hard to be mad at her when she smiles at you right after you get onto her. E has learned how to play "so big" and she is adorable when she does it. Maybe I'm a little biased but I can't help it ;) something else E has started is signing to me. She showed me "more" a few days ago but I wasn't sure that's what she was saying until she kept doing it every time I asked if she wanted more lol. It's just so hard to believe my baby is growing so fast. 9 months flew right past me and now she's almost one. :( before I know it, it will be party time. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

8 months old

Today E turned 8 months old and I just can't believe how fast these 8 months have flown by. It's so crazy how much changes in one month. Last month she was just now starting to crawl and sit up and this month she is pulling up and standing by herself! It's so amazing to watch her grow and to see all of the things she's learning. Her favorite thing right now is waving and saying bye bye and she is just adorable when she does it! She's also started grabbing my phone and putting it to her ear likes she's talking, I guess that means I'm on my phone to much ;) 

We have still be introducing new foods and so far we have only found a couple of foods that upset her tummy. Asparagus and cantaloupe were pretty rough on her tummy so we will hold off on those for a while. I've also been trying to introduce a sippy cup to her. The sippy cup I wanted to use was the sassy grow up cup which is an awesome cup and SLP approved :) she did ok with it at first and even got some water out of it but now she just wants to play with it so we may try switching to a different cup. Any suggestions? 

Monday, February 10, 2014

A little Monday humor

As I'm browsing through Pinterest getting ideas for my picture wall and looking at 1st birthday party ideas (I know I'm planning super early!) I came across this funny and had to share! 
Happy Monday everyone! 

Monday, February 3, 2014

Eating slump

My sweet girl has been on the move! She's rolling and scooting everywhere and even trying to sit up by herself! At our last check up, we were given the ok to start giving E 2 meals a day including cereal and fruit/veggies. She's been tolerating that well but for some reason this last week she has not been taking a bottle. At most she would eat 15oz a day which is not normal for her. I started to get really worried about her not getting enough nutrients and possible dehydration so I called the pediatrician. I was told to stop her meals and force the bottle. Easier said than done! E cried and cried for dinner tonight so I let her have some cereal and applesauce, she was content after her tummy was full! She's done well with her feedings today so hopefully we are getting through this slump. I'll keep you posted. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

6 month checkup

E is growing like a weed! We had her checkup on Wednesday and she was 25.5" long and 15.05 lbs, my big girl :) I always dread these checkups because I hate watching her get shots. Being a nurse, I can give kids shots no problem but when it's your own child it's so heartbreaking. E did so good though, she got her shots and cried for a few seconds then smiled at her daddy!

While we were at the visit our pediatrician said it looked like E might get her second tooth soon and sure enough my sweet girl had her second tooth break through the gum on Thursday! E has been doing so good with trying new foods, I haven't found a fruit or vegetable she doesn't like so far but I did find out she doesn't like oatmeal cereal, I can not get her to eat it at all. We were also told we could feed her cereal and a food twice a day now but E isn't so sure she likes eating cereal twice a day because she has yet to finish a meal since then! We did try avocado tonight and it was definitely a hit :) 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

E's first tooth!

I'm so excited, E got her first tooth! She has been drooling and chewing on everything lately so I've been feeling her gums daily and haven't felt anything.  Today when I got home from work she put my pinky in her mouth and I felt something sharp so I rubbed my finger over her gum again,sure enough she had a little tooth! I was so excited I yelled "oh my gosh E you have a tooth!" Of course being the emotional momma I am I started crying! lol we had to call Daddy right away, he was at work and just as happy :) 

Our baby girl is growing up so fast, she will be six months old tomorrow and I just can't believe it. Can't time slow down some?