We've been busy since the last post, or I should say E has been busy. She's rolled over a few times from her belly to her back! She was so funny when she did this, she was doing tummy time then turned onto her side, she was trying so hard to roll over she started getting mad and crying, when she finally did roll over she was shocked I think because she looked at us like "what just happened?" I was so excited and we even got it on video! E is officially signed up for preschool! I know this may sound silly but there are very few preschools in our town so the waiting list is long. I know people who registered their kids before they were even born! I had mixed emotions about this, I was happy thinking about the future but sad thinking about her being that old and how fast time is going.
She has also started grabbing at things and trying to eat everything in sight!
E turned four month old on the 8th and we went to her four month well child check and she took her shots like a champ! She cried for a few seconds and then just kind of whimpered and made "ow" sounds lol. She is growing so fast she now weighs 13.03 pounds and is 23.5 inches long. She's growing perfectly! :)
We gave E cereal for the first time last night and she wasn't real sure on what to think about it. She would push it out and make a face then smile, I think it's growing on her because she seemed to enjoy it tonight. in a couple of weeks I'm going to add bananas and see how that goes!

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