E is growing like a weed! She is now climbing on everything she can reach. I found her on top of the tv stand the other day pointing to Mickey Mouse, and today I hear my keys fall and guess who's ontop of the dining room table? Yep, E! She's a monkey just like her daddy :)
E will be 14 months old tomorrow but it feels like just yesterday I was bringing her home. This year has gone by so incredibly fast, slow down please!
So a few fun facts about Ellie at 14 months old (almost, in 1 hour!)
• Baby girl LOVES bananas! Like I have to hide in the closet to eat mine unless I only want one bite of it. And you better not say the B word unless you have one on hand to give her!
• She has 8 teeth - but I think the molars are getting ready to cut :(
• Her favorite book is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" I'm telling you, I think we all have it memorized we read it so much!
• She's wearing size 4-5 shoes and is in 12-18 months
• She loves to be in water and swing and play at the park
• Loves, loves, loves to listen to daddy's music and dance!
• Her favorite shows right now are Doc McStuffins and Mickey Mouse clubhouse