I really wish I could sleep tonight since I have a long day at work tomorrow but I can't, to many things on my mind. I just keep thinking that my baby is going to be one on Tuesday, that's two days from now...2!!! My baby isn't going to be a baby anymore, she will be considered a toddler on Tuesday! I think I'm probably taking this a lot harder than I should and people probably think I'm crazy, but I can't help it!
Then I keep thinking about her party, I want it to be perfect! I know she won't remember it but this is a BIG birthday, it's celebrating her very first year of birth so I want it to be special. Even if it doesn't turn out perfect, I have to remeber we will be surrounded by our family and friends who love and adore our sweet E, that's all the matters. But there is still lots of things left to do and so little time!
This seems appropriate right about now!
Goodnight moon, off to bed I go.