Ok let's see where to start...we had our first family vacation planned for Port Aransas beach for several months and the week before we were leaving E started running a low grade temp. Being in the medical field, you try and diagnose every symptom or try to avoid the clinics and treat at home. Well I'm guilty of that. I gave E Tylenol that Thursday night and watched her all night. I started thinking about other little things I had noticed like her gagging after taking a bottle or trying to clear her throat, coughing here and there. Friday morning I checked her temp, no fever so I went to work. A few hours later Z called and said she had a low grade again so I came home. I finally decided to take her in to make sure it wasn't anything and if it was we could get her better by next Thursday. My poor girl ended up having strep throat! :( she was put on antibiotics and we were ready to feel better. She was definitely a trooper not once did she act like she felt bad! Well a few days later a rash appeared, long story short, we thought it was scarlatina but ended up she's allergic to amoxicillin. We got her meds changed and we were counting down the days till we left.
We had these images of E running and playing in the water and having to chase her at the beach, Well that's not exactly how it went. Don't get me wrong she enjoyed the beach but she loved the sand the most. Which was fine because she helped daddy make a mermaid and she even had her own little sand pit to play in.
Once we got home and settled we had to start packing again for our camping trip! I think it's safe to say my child is definitely and outdoor baby. She loves everything outside. We only were able to stay Friday night and left Saturday so we didn't have a whole lot of time camping like we wished we could have, big we still had fun.
After a long 2 weeks, it was so nice sleeping in my own bed and actually getting a good nights sleep! During all of that, E turned 11 months, has officially gone mobile, started whole milk today, and cut 2 more teeth and has a total of 6 now :) my baby girl is growing way to fast!!! In just a few short weeks she will be one! How is that possible?!